Support at every stage of your SAP migration to Azure

Don’t wait until the 2025 deadline before migrating to S/4HANA.

Ensono can deliver your SAP future today.

Want to own the future? You can build it now

SAP has extended its deadline for moving to S/4HANA to 2027.
But why wait forever to transform your business?
SAP eBook

It's more than an upgrade, it's a transformation - redefining your application and service delivery, helping you embrace a new generation of cloud-native services and driving real business impact.

Plus, if you’ve chosen to host S/4HANA on Azure, you’ll enjoy instant scalability, ‘as-a-service’ flexibility and built-in back-up and recovery.

The only journey that matters is the one you’re on

Don’t worry if you’re not ready to migrate to S/4HANA. Moving your current SAP estate to Azure makes business sense too – seamlessly transforming how you manage your mission critical applications and workloads to reduce costs, increase scalability, simplify governance and compliance, and more.

Expert support

Built by Microsoft, SAP to Azure migration is a proven path to success. But, with no such thing as a typical migration and the potential pitfalls of moving mission critical applications and workloads, it helps to have expert support.

That’s where we come in.

Ensono simplifies your SAP migration to Azure, providing an end-to-end service whatever your roadmap or wherever you are on your journey.

5 steps to success

Our 5 step approach, honed through practical experience working with enterprises just like yours, manages the risk and eliminates the complexity – so you can be confident of efficient, controlled and timely execution.

It’s time to own your future

Download "Five Steps to Leveraging the True Power of SAP with Microsoft Azure".

Download Five Steps to Leveraging the True Power of SAP with Microsoft Azure.

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The only migration journey that matters is the one you’re on

SAP Journey

Simplify your SAP transition